Sunday, December 14, 2014

My friend

My friend 

Today my friend and I came early  now we set together and talk about what we dream in our life. Also, at the same time we complete our homework.

my friend

Bad Dream

Bad Dream 

Today I  dreamed a bad dream about the ghosts and I woke up at 5:30 and I could not sleep again so I go to pray and went back to my bed to try sleep but I didn't sleep until Alarm rings.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Al Shaab Village

Al Shaab Village 

Yesterday I went to Al Shaab Village in Sharjah alone to buy some pajamas for me and some Henna stickers for my friends and the end I went to the restaurant to take some dinner and back to my home.  


Friday, December 12, 2014

New mobile phon

New mobile phone

yesterday my mobile phone is damaged so I forced to bought new mobile phone but I didn't like it the old phone is butter than new maybe I will buy another one. 



My Nephew Birthday

My Nephew Birthday

Tomorrow my sister will do a small party for her daughter she will complete 5 years so my family and I we will make a nice small Cake with chocolate flavor for her. Also, we bought many gift for her from today, I wish she to be happy in her day





Today I'm went to the market in Sharjah to buy some gifts for my friend and I bought perfumes and henna stickers I hope she like it     

Al mammzr

Al Mammzar

Now my friend and I  we will go to the Al Mammzar beach and take some food from the cafeteria, kmer bread ,  Jbab bread and kirk tea and will go to the beach and sit there complete Ethics project together.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

New car

New car

Today I spoke with my father to buy new cars for me but he said you have a nice and new car why you want another car I said for him no I want Z car and my father ignore me but I'm sill happy hhhh ^_^

plan for travailing

plan for travailing 

Today my family and I sat in living room talked a bout where we will traveling in the summer my father chose Thailand but we are boring from Thailand because we are every year traveling to the Thailand and I suggest to my father to go to Australia and my father said no it is too far so maybe we will go to the Thailand.



Today I'm not felling will I feel cold so maybe I will become sick I I sent my brother to the pharmacy to buy for me medication for cold.

Transfer photos

Transfer photos 

Now I feel free and boring so I will Transfer photos from my phone to the hard disk (passport) 

Hair oil

Hair oil

every month I go to spice dealer to buy many kind of oil  for my hair such as castor oil, henna, sweet almond, olive, the cactus, watercress, parsley and  coconut and more when back to my home I take all oils mix it together that is gives vitality for the hair

Family gathering

Family gathering 

Every Friday is my family gathering, all they come my house for the lunch and the house become noisy and come many children  and damage everything they see I heat this day I like quite place and take relax I heat the noisy.




I went to the market before one week and I bought some Stickers and  After tomorrow inshallah I will go to the salon to do red Hena on my hands. 



Today I went to Carrefour in Almtajer mall and I bought many thinks such as juice, corn, Chicken for my cats and stick for the college.

Starbucks caffee

Starbucks caffee

I'm one of people who like drink coffee, I'm everyday must drink cup of coffee but I prefer drink coffee from Starbucks I love it and sometimes buy Peanut butter cake so yummy ^_^ 

I love watching movie

l love watching move 

The most thing I like it in my life is watching movies. However, I everyday watching movies on EL7L web site, and I like the most to watch it are horror, romantic and carton movies.




Today I brought my Abaya and the Tailor do not sew well tomorrow I should return my Abaya to fix it this will be fourth time I return to fix it. Bad Tailor

shopping and Cinema


shopping and Cinema 

Tomorrow inshallah my friend and I  put plan to go the Marina Mall to shopping and go to cinema we chose penguins movie to see it.

Lion King 3

Lion King 3

Know I will go to omplete parts of Lion King I will see Lion Kink 3 this part a bout Timon and Pumbaa I hope to be nice.

Gazebo restaurant

Gazebo restaurant 

Today my friend and I went to Gazebo restaurant and we ate Shrimp Biryani and Yogurt with cucumber and drink coca cola. The dinner was very delicious.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Inoculation the cats

Inoculation the cats

yesterday I went to the bird's market to find a good veterinary clinic for inoculation my cats but I confuse between two clinic first one name Al Maha and second one name Al Jwareh but I always dealing with AJwharh and I take two cats to inoculation them I was surprised the doctor exploits me he take from me more money from other I heat them I will never come back there.

New Birds

New birds

Before three days I went to Sharjah bird's market and bought New pair love bird have two color Yalow and red, the price for the pair is 260 AED, and I bought a small house for them.  

horror movie

horror movie

Now I feel so boring and I searching about the movies in EL7L web site, and I looking to movie's posters and trailer and I think I will see horror movie I'm scared but I think it's interesting. 

barakat juice project

barakat juice project 

I have barakat juice project I'm now working on it to finish it before Sunday because should submit it on Sunday.  


Transfer files

Transfer files from

Tomorrow I will do format for my lap top because I think the virus is damage my laptop. So,  Now I transfer flies from lap top to hard disk (passport). 


Do the homework (My daily)

Do the homework (My daily)

Now I set in living room and do software's homework about my daily in blogger and I feel the pain in my back because I set along time to finish this homework. However,I try to do the best to get a high grade because my essential target to get a high GPA this course.


Global Village

Global Village

yesterday my friend and I went the GV and we bought many thing such as perfumes, dress and shoes. Also we plan in amusements Finally we eat the dinner there we had super fun inshaallah we will go again soon

Lion King 2

Lion King 2

Today I will see inshallah Lion King 2 I didn't remmber the story  it's very old I sow it when I was 5 or 6 years old I hope to be nice

Lion King 1

Lion king 1

To day I sow a nice and amazing movie showing in 1994 it's about the lion king take a revenge from his uncle who was killed lion's king dad and recover verdict of his uncle. It's very amazing story